Notes to the profit and loss account

EUR 1000

2017 2016
1 Other operating income

Operating income from participating interests 54 38

Remunerations 759 771

Other operating income 724 791

1,538 1,600
2 Average number of staff employed

Employees 71 60
3 Wages and salaries

Managing Director and his alternate 365 357

The Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board 130 121

The Board of Directors

Chair's monthly emoluments 1,100 €

Vice chair's monthly emoluments 700 €

Board members' monthly emoluments 600 €

Emolument per meeting of Board of Directors and Audit Committee 300 €

Supervisory Board

Chair’s emolument per meeting 800 €

Vice chair’s emolument per meeting 600 €

Board member's emolument per meeting 500 €

Managing Director has the right to retire at the age of 63. Retirement age is based on the contract renewed in 2012.

4 Depreciation

Other capitalised long-term expenses 19 47

Machinery and equipment 102 141

121 188
5 Other operating charges

Voluntary staff expenses 546 498

Office 440 724

ICT 584 446

Travel and negotiation expenses 927 851

Entertainment and PR expenses 158 107

External services 1,040 1,398

Other expenses 444 381

4,138 4,405
6 Auditor's remunerations

Audit fee 9 9

Tax services 6 6

Other services 73 1

88 16
7 Financial income and expenses

Financial income

Income from participating interests

Dividends 5,854 192

Profit from sales of assets 6,653 0

From others 475 105

Income from participating interests 12,981 297

Income from other investments

Dividends 329 450

From funds 2,385 6,671

Profits from investments and sales assets 5,198 0

Income from other investments 7,912 7,121

Other interest and financial income

Interest income 13,104 9,372

Interest income from participating interests 330 816

Financial income 2,088 1,238

Financial income from participating interests 14 18

Exchange rate gain 30,960 11,017

Other interest and financial income 46,496 22,461

Financial income total 67,390 29,879

Permanent write-offs of investments and their reversals

Equity and funds -7,602 -7,976

Loans -7,144 -3,452

Reversal of write-offs on shares and fund investments 3,531 3,460

Reversal of write-offs on loans 1,976 8,940

Write-offs of investments and their reversals -9,239 972

Interest and other financial expenses

Interest expenses to others -1,568 -1,286

Other financial expenses -5,985 -3,860

Loss from investments, funds and sales of assets -5,758 -5,796

Exchange rate loss -31,974 -10,573

Interest and other financial expenses total -45,286 -21,515

Financial income and expenses total 12,865 9,336

The item Financing income and expenses includes loss of exchange (net) -1,015 444
7 Income from financing operations by income level (does not include income from EU territory, liquidity and funding)

Least developed countries (LDC) 17,828 9,913

Other low-income countries (LIC) 3,611 2,449

Lower-middle-income countries (LMIC) 32,090 9,557

Upper-middle-income countries (UMIC) 12,396 6,373

Russia 283 462

66,208 28,754
8 Income taxes

Tax on capital gains outside Finland 570 9

Withholding taxes on emoluments 2 3

Withholding taxes on dividends 0 6

572 18

Finnish Fund for Industrial  
Cooperation Ltd. (FINNFUND)

Uudenmaankatu 16 B
P.O. Box 391 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 9 348 434
fax +358 9 3484 3346