Financial responsibility

Efficiency and profitability of Finnfund’s operations

As stipulated in the Finnfund Act, the purpose of the company is not to generate a profit for the shareholders. However, in accordance with the state ownership policy, the company must operate on a self-supporting basis, covering its operational costs and risks through the profits it generates. The state ownership policy defines profitability and cost-efficiency as the goals of the State as an owner. It also says that companies entrusted with special state assignments should strive for financially profitable operations.

The cost-efficiency of Finnfund’s operations was assessed in 2015 by comparing operational costs to investment assets and the value of investment decisions. Finnfund’s profitability is assessed primarily by looking at return on equity. The nature of the operations may cause return on equity to vary significantly from year to year, and for this reason return on equity is also calculated as a five-year moving average. Other indicators include impairment losses and the debt-equity ratio.

A detailed report on Finnfund’s efficiency and profitability can be found in the Report of the Board of Directors published in the Financials section of the 2015 Annual Report.

Cash flows to stakeholders

Public sector taxation

Under the Income Tax Act (30.12.1992/1535), Finnfund is a corporation exempted from income tax, and therefore the company does not pay tax on its profits to the State of Finland.

In its accounts for 2015, Finnfund reported total tax payments of EUR 103,166.59. These consisted of capital gains taxes and withholding taxes paid to target countries as follows.

Country Type EUR
Kenya Capital gains tax 91,852.67
Zambia Capital gains tax 8,617.08
Total Capital gains tax 100,469.84
Turkey Withholding tax on wages 2,696.84
Total All taxes 103,166.59



The purpose of the company is not to generate a profit for the shareholders, and it does not distribute its profits to the owners in the form of dividends or other yields. The taxes paid by project companies in the countries where they operate are among the development impacts that Finnfund seeks. For this reason, and because of its exemption from tax in Finland, the company has no incentive for active tax planning and does not do it.


Due to the nature of the company’s operations, the need for investments related to its operations is very small and mainly consists of capital expenditure.

In 2015, Finnfund made new investment decisions worth EUR 83.5 million in the target countries. Eighteen new investment decisions were made.

Financial support and donations for the public good

Finnfund mostly refrains from providing financial support or making donations for the public good and does not engage in any activities regarded as sponsorship.


Reporting and accounting principles

Finnfund’s financial statements and the Report of the Board of Directors are prepared in accordance with the Finnish Accounting Standards (FAS) and the profit and loss account and balance sheet formats of regular companies. Finnfund is not a credit institution referred to in the Act on Credit Institutions (9.2.2007/121) and does not use the profit and loss account or balance sheet formats intended for credit institutions. Since 2013 Finnfund has presented an operational analysis in its Annual Report.

The company reports on its financial position three times a year. The annual financial statements are published in the Annual Report on the company’s website after being adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders. At the same time, the company announces the reporting and accounting principles it followed in the preparation of the financial statements as well as any changes in the principles. In addition, the company prepares two interim reports for internal use, for the periods January to April and January to August. The interim reports are not audited or published.

Finnfund generally requires its investee companies to comply with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in their reporting in order to ensure reliability and comparability.

Under certain circumstances, Finnfund may accept financial statements and other financial reports prepared in accordance with the local standards of the target country, provided that there is no reason to doubt their reliability and the procedure is considered justified in the current situation of the reporting company.



Finnish Fund for Industrial  
Cooperation Ltd. (FINNFUND)

Uudenmaankatu 16 B
P.O. Box 391 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 9 348 434
fax +358 9 3484 3346