Environmental impact of Finnfund's own operations

Carbon footprint

Finnfund finances companies that operate in developing countries. Due to the location of Finnfund’s clients, Finnfund employees travel often and to remote locations which causes greenhouse gas emissions. However, a careful assessment of the projects is important and the travel related greenhouse gas emission are considered minor when considering the positive climate contributions generated by the project companies.

Finnfund continuously develops its electronic tools and encourages its employees to actively use them, for example, to attend meetings remotely.

Greenhouse gas emissions caused by commuting are reduced by encouraging the employees to use public transport with an employer-subsidized commuter tickets and to work remotely for part of the time.

Water, waste and saving of energy

Water consumption and waste generation within the Finnfund organisation are minor. However, the company aims to improve material efficiency in its operations by, among other things, reducing office paper consumption by means of duplex printing, promoting electronic document management, sorting waste and using energy-saving office equipment and lighting solutions. The company is not aware of any environmental damage caused by its operations



Finnish Fund for Industrial  
Cooperation Ltd. (FINNFUND)

Uudenmaankatu 16 B
P.O. Box 391 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 9 348 434
fax +358 9 3484 3346